The Velveteene Rabbitry by The Pet Shoppe
located in beautiful Southern California

Our Rabbitry is very small in comparison to most. We only have about 30 breeding and show bunnies. We concentrate not on the quantity, but the quality of our bunnies. Our bunnies come from some of the best bloodlines around; Gan Haven, King's, B & B's, Canyon Creek's, Triad's, YeWee's, Winsbury's, Rosebud's, Cresthill's, Cottonwood's, The Proud Doe, DugganHill's, and Jessica's just to name a few.

We are excited to annouce the purchase of KC's OSI, a gorgeous Tortoise buck and Joni's Not So Blue, a fabulous Blue/Fawn Tri. Look for these boys on the show table.

We still have a few Holland Lops available, but they are selling fast.

At Velveteene we sell all of our bunnies with a written health guarantee and a return option should you for some unforseen reason need to place your bunny in a new home.

Take a look around and enjoy your stay... Any questions at all, please do not hesitate to email us or call the Shoppe...

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The Velveteene Rabbitry
11019 Muscatel
Oak Hills, California 92345



Designs by Brandi